
Salesforce Forecasting and Forecast Coaching
Generate Sales Forecasts You Can Rely On


Implementing Salesforce is Only Part of the Challenge

You’ve implemented Salesforce. You may have had it for years. But the data is unreliable and your sales team’s usage of Salesforce varies considerably.

Some of the team are great at adding Opportunities and others, whilst great salespeople, are terrible at admin or just don’t know how to use Salesforce.

The consequence of this is poor data quality and, ultimately, unreliable forecasting. Not being able to produce a reliable sales forecast makes it near impossible to track against revenue targets.

If you carry responsibility for the revenue target, not knowing your progress makes it difficult to achieve.


Implementing Salesforce is Only Part of the Challenge


You’ve implemented Salesforce. You may have had it for years. But the data is unreliable and your sales team’s usage of Salesforce varies considerably.

Some of the team are great at adding Opportunities and others, whilst great salespeople, are terrible at admin or just don’t know how to use Salesforce.

The consequence of this is poor data quality and, ultimately, unreliable forecasting. Not being able to produce a reliable sales forecast makes it near impossible to track against revenue targets.

If you carry responsibility for the revenue target, not knowing your progress makes it difficult to achieve.


Your Personal Trainer for Salesforce

Almost all Salesforce editions have forecasting tools, but they’re rarely understood or used appropriately.

We help clients leverage these tools effectively and support their team through our coaching program, which includes regular 1:2:1 sessions with your team to rationalise and ensure data added to Salesforce is accurate; group forecast reviews and adhoc training to ensure your team is clear on processes and what is expected of them.

Think of us as your Personal Trainer for Salesforce. We'll do what it takes to make sure your data is in top condition and your forecasts are at peak performance!

Your Personal Trainer for Salesforce

Almost all Salesforce editions have forecasting tools, but they’re rarely understood or used appropriately.

We help clients leverage these tools effectively and support their team through our coaching program, which includes regular 1:2:1 sessions with your team to rationalise and ensure data added to Salesforce is accurate; group forecast reviews and adhoc training to ensure your team is clear on processes and what is expected of them.

Think of us as your Personal Trainer for Salesforce. We'll do what it takes to make sure your data is in top condition and your forecasts are at peak performance!


We'll deliver...

We'll support your Sales Team with private 1:2:1 sessions to ensure they're comfortable using Salesforce, understand what is expected of them and are maintaining good data quality

If required, we'll host regular Forecast group sessions, so that the Team are aligned and clear on performance against target

Our Coaching service is a business-led service, but as technical experts, we'll support and make any changes to your Salesforce instance that are required to help you take your performance to the next level

We'll deliver...

We'll support your Sales Team with private 1:2:1 sessions to ensure they're comfortable using Salesforce, understand what is expected of them and are maintaining good data quality

If required, we'll host regular Forecast group sessions, so that the Team are aligned and clear on performance against target

Our Coaching service is a business-led service, but as technical experts, we'll support and make any changes to your Salesforce instance that are required to help you take your performance to the next level

Book a no obligation discovery call

Set up a call with us and we'll be happy to discuss your requirements!

Check out our verified reviews on Salesforce AppExchange...


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Appdraft Limited is registered in England under company number 11696760 at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX 


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© Appdraft 2024

Appdraft Limited is registered in England under company number 11696760 at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX 

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