
Quick Start Packages
Get started with Sales Cloud in a week!


Just need to get going?

We'll help you get started with Salesforce Sales Cloud in no time with our Quick Start Package

In as little as 4-6 days we can configure the basics for you and get you making the most of Sales Cloud

We also cater for smaller requirements (basic data moves, user creation, etc.) on flexible hourly rates

What's included?

We'll work with you to quickly understand your requirements and make sure we're giving you the functionality you need

Our package includes:

Flexible Hourly Rate

Basic (4 Days)

  • Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities Customisation
  • Lead and Sales Paths
  • Products and Price Books
  • Email Integration
  • Quotes and PDF Template
  • Campaigns
  • Reports and Dashboards*
  • Custom Objects/Fields*
  • Salesforce Mobile

Scale (6 Days)

  • Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities Customisation
  • Lead and Sales Paths
  • Products and Price Books
  • Email Integration
  • Quotes and PDF Template
  • Campaigns
  • Reports and Dashboards*
  • Custom Objects/Fields*
  • Salesforce Mobile
  • Web-to-Lead Form
  • Up to 2 Custom Screen Flows; manage scripted sales or a process specific to you!
  • Forecasts
  • Data Migration*


  • *Subject to reasonable requirement

  • Training is available at a discount rate of £300 per half day

  • All prices are subject to VAT

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Set up a call with us and we'll be happy to discuss your requirements!

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application architect

From Poacher to Gamekeeper : Building a Career in Salesforce

Having just achieved my 10th Salesforce Certification, Application Architect, I wanted to share a little about why I chose Salesforce consulting as a career change and what I learned in the process. If you’re working in sales and thinking about a career change to Salesforce, I hope it helps and if you want any advice, feel free to DM me on LinkedIn!


Getting It Right First Time: The Value of Salesforce Consulting Partners

Based on several studies over the past 20 years, around 50-70% of CRM projects fail.

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An Exact Science: Forecasts in Salesforce

Sales Forecasts help businesses understand how they’re tracking against revenue expectations.

The Forecast and Quota tools in Salesforce Sales Cloud are some of the most under-used but effective tools in the Sales Cloud suite.

This article looks at Forecasts in detail, together with some recent advancements in the Salesforce Spring ’22 release.

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Salesforce Showcase: Salesforce + Xero Integration

Xero is one of the most popular accounting apps for SME’s. Salesforce Sales Cloud is the world’s number one CRM. What happens when you combine the two? At the very least, you can expect the Sales teams to be able to focus their efforts more strategically on the right clients; but the sky’s the limit! […]


Email Integration in Salesforce

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The Salesforce Sales Cloud Top Five

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The things no Salesforce Sales Cloud instance should be without!

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One less thing to worry about: A robot apocalypse

Should you be worried about robots stealing your job? ‘Robots’ are an emotive epithet; is this just a continuation of a theme of efficiency driven by technology?


The many reasons spreadsheets are not your friends

People love spreadsheets. They’re a comforting way to push data around and track changes. BUT, there are many reasons why spreadsheets don’t work beyond the most basic of use cases. Here’s why we shouldn’t be afraid to shake off the limitations of spreadsheets and move towards a database structure.


“Training Issue” + “User Error” = Bad System Design

‘It’s a training issue’. ‘I’m afraid it’s user error’. We hear these justifications frequently in a customer service environment when something goes wrong. But how often should we really be attributing ‘user error’ to bad system design? Whilst it might be idealistic to say that the right system can design-out all propensity for error, it’s […]

user adoption

Why your sales team doesn’t use CRM

‘I’m too busy’. ‘I’m not great with computers’. ‘I’ve got my rolodex, I don’t need a CRM’. Salespeople are a tricky bunch. The great ones have their idiosyncrasies and sales managers will often be inclined to overlook them as long as the team delivers new business. But a good team is only part of the […]




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© Appdraft 2024

Appdraft Limited is registered in England under company number 11696760 at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX 


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© Appdraft 2024

Appdraft Limited is registered in England under company number 11696760 at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX 

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